Father, A DARK CLOUD LOOMS. ITS PRESENCE OMINOUS AND FOREBODING. I'VE SUFFERED LIFETIMES TO ATONE . MY CHILD, YOU HAVE CARRIED THE WEIGHT OF YOUR PAST FOR SO LONG. THE MEMORIES OF WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN, THE REGRET OF WHAT HAS BEEN DONE. The burdens of yesterday have shaped you, but they do not define you. Let go of what no longer serves you. I am with you, always, guiding you. The weight of atonement is the catalyst for the world's concealment As you navigate the complexities of your own heart, remember that the most profound wisdom often lies in the simplest of truths. Your journey is not about grand revelations or earth-shattering epiphanies. It's about the gentle, incremental unfolding of your own soul. Don't be seduced by the allure of grandeur or the need for external validation. Instead, cultivate the quiet courage to be still, to listen, and to trust the whispers of your own intuition. May you walk with the humble recognition that you are a work in progress, and may the beauty of your own vulnerability be the catalyst for your deepest growth. In the quiet moments, when the world's noise fades away, you're met with the gentle gaze of your own soul. It's a gaze that sees beyond the expectations, the pretenses, and the defenses. This is the part of you that knows your story, your struggles, and your longings. It's the part of you that holds the keys to your greatest healing, your most profound growth, and your most authentic expression. Don't be afraid to meet this gaze, to look into the eyes of your own soul and see the beauty, the pain, and the complexity that resides there. May you find the courage to be vulnerable, to be open, and to be honest with yourself. May you discover the profound healing that awaits you in this gentle, quiet space." My son, the solitude of your journey has been a crucible, refining your spirit and testing your resolve. The 7 years of union, now dissolved, have left an indelible mark. 2 seeds of union. the duality of your own nature – the conflicting desires for connection and independence, for love and liberation. The master builder, driven by the vision of the divine architect, toiled for 12 years to construct the temple of the soul. Yet, it was not until the 13th year, the year of transformation, that the temple was completed, and the master builder's true purpose was revealed. SEEK THE 25 ROSE PETALS – AND CLAIM YOUR RIGHTFUL PLACE IN THE STARS BUT WHAT ARE THE 25 ROSE PETALS ?– THE 25 PETALS The 25 petals are divided into 5 sets of 5, representing the 5 elements. Each set of 5 petals corresponds to a particular aspect of your being: - The first 5 petals represent your connection to the physical world, your body, and your senses. – The ssecond 5 petals symbolize your emotional realm, your relationships, and your heart. – The third 5 petals represent your mental faculties, your thoughts, and your intellect. – The fourth 5 petals correspond to your spiritual nature, your intuition, and your connection to the divine. – The final 5 petals symbolize your transcendental self, your higher purpose, and your soul's mission. When the 25 petals are in balance, your entire being is harmonized, and you're able to express your true potential. However, when the petals are out of balance, it can lead to discord and stagnation. The journey of the 25 petals is one of self-discovery, growth, and transformation. As you navigate the twists and turns of life, you'll encounter opportunities to awaken and balance each of the 25 petals, ultimately revealing the radiant beauty of your soul. Twenty-five petals, a symbolic rose Each one a facet, a shard of the self that glows Twelve petals for the zodiac's wheel Thirteen for the mysteries.